Homemade Tuna Fish (A, AB & O)

Once you begin making your own tuna fish, you may not want to go back to eating the canned variety ever again!
  • one pound yellowfin or ahi tuna steaks
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • homemade mayo (click here for recipe) (1-2 T; follow the 80/20 rule by using 80 percent tuna and 20 percent mayo)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a baking pan lightly with oil and place tuna on pan. Sprinkle with a little bit of salt and pepper and cook for about an hour or until tuna is fully cooked (will easily flake).  Refrigerate tuna until it has cooled and firmed up. Stir in about one tablespoon of mayo or more to your liking.  Sprinkle with a little bit of salt and pepper or any of your favorite spices.
Try adding chopped celery or cucumber for some crunch.

Wrap up in lettuce leaves as an alternative to bread or crackers and to follow proper food combining!